Is there a vacant or abandoned house in your neighborhood?

Let us know and you can earn $1000

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Vacant property


Cash For Vacants specializes in buying vacant homes, and will pay you $1,000 for every property referred after closing!

Vacant homes can be a major eyesore and a liability for the community. They can also attract crime and lower property values. By purchasing vacant homes, Cash For Vacants strives to improve the quality of life in your neighborhood.

  • Your property value will see an increase over time with more safe, full, and occupied neighborhoods
  • You will help clean up the neighborhood
  • You no longer have to worry about the status of the property
  • You can get paid!

If you’re interested in reporting a vacant home, please fill out the form below. We are available to answer any questions you may have.

(602) 860-1608

Submit a Vacancy Below

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